Color analysis is the easiest and most effective way to improve your look.
A color consultation will:
Show why certain shades complement your natural coloring more than others.
Assess the colors that suit you best and how to identify them.
Teach you the best way to wear the clothes you already have.
Save you time and money so you only buy what flatters you.
Give you more variety of outfits in your wardrobe with an easy to mix and match color palette.
Enable you to quickly look radiant and healthy by wearing your best shades of makeup and accessories.
Thank you. I have the courage to wear colors now!
Full color analysis
We carry out a color analysis to learn more about your natural colors and your most complementary tones. You will also learn about the best make up shades to complement your skin undertone.
Duration: 2 hrs 30 mins
Location: My studio
Personalised 42 colour fabric swatch wallet
Digital color palette
Cost: 250JDS / US$375
Online color analysis
Discover your DOMINANT COLOR TYPE ONLY and your ‘wow’ colors that suit your natural coloring. Learn about your neutrals and fashion colors and how to wear them. After this session you will feel confident wearing the colors you love, know how to wear them and be confident when ‘shopping your wardrobe’ or buying from shops.
A wallet of 30 fabric swatch colors sent to your home
Digital color palette
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: 200JDS / US$300